Link Building Archives - Pronto Marketing Grow your business with a custom marketing plan and website redesign Thu, 16 Nov 2023 10:33:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Link Building Archives - Pronto Marketing 32 32 Link Building Case Study for a California MSP Thu, 16 Nov 2023 07:36:38 +0000 MSP Soars to 3rd Spot on Google with Pronto’s Strategic Link Building Overview Ubisec, a prominent IT firm in California, partnered with Pronto Marketing for a link building campaign aimed at enhancing their online visibility and search engine rankings. Over a year, this collaboration led to significant improvements in search rankings for targeted keywords and […]

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MSP Soars to 3rd Spot on Google with Pronto's Strategic Link Building

ubisec casestudy cover


Ubisec, a prominent IT firm in California, partnered with Pronto Marketing for a link building campaign aimed at enhancing their online visibility and search engine rankings. Over a year, this collaboration led to significant improvements in search rankings for targeted keywords and a boost in domain rating.

Google Rank for Primary Target Keyword
Increase in
Domain Rating
(16 to 29)
Page 1 Rankings
on Google


Ubisec has established itself as a trusted MSP in Orange County, offering a comprehensive range of services from Managed IT to Cyber Security. Despite their extensive expertise and service offerings, Ubisec faced challenges in gaining visibility in the highly competitive IT market of Southern California.

ubisec background

Struggling with Search Visibility in a Competitive Market

In early 2022, Ubisec identified a critical need to enhance their online presence, particularly in Orange County. They were grappling with lower-than-desired rankings on Google, often appearing beyond the first page for key services. This limited visibility was a significant hurdle in a market dense with IT service providers.     


Targeted Link Building and Optimized Local SEO

In response to Ubisec’s challenge, our SEO experts developed a focused link building campaign targeting the Orange County area. This strategy began with an in-depth keyword research and competitor analysis to identify the most impactful local keywords.

The team then optimized Ubisec’s Orange County page to target the selected keyword, “IT consulting Orange County.” This process involved not only refining the page content but also ensuring strategic placement of the keyword in key SEO locations within the page.

ubisec local seo
IT Consulting Orange County-page’s referring domains (blue line) vs average organic traffic (orange line)

Additionally, the title tag, H1, and meta description were meticulously optimized. After launching the new page, it was submitted to Google Search Console for indexing, a crucial step in making the page visible in search results. The campaign was further expanded to include additional location pages for Anaheim, Irvine, and Santa Ana, each targeting specific local keywords.

ubisec referring domains
Santa Ana’s referring domains (blue line) vs average organic traffic (orange line)
The Outcome

Ubisec's Major Climb in Search Rankings and Domain Rating

The strategic efforts yielded significant results over the course of a year. Ubisec’s Orange County page achieved an all-time high ranking of position 3 on Google for the targeted keyword. This achievement was paralleled by substantial improvements in rankings for additional location pages, with the Santa Ana page also reaching the third position.

ubisec keyword
Current rankings for “it consulting orange county” – position 3, “managed it services santa monica” – position 3  & “it consultant irvine” – position 8

In addition, there was an impressive increase in Ubisec’s domain rating, which soared from 16 to 29, reflecting the enhanced authority and visibility of their website in the digital space.

ubisec avg rating
Increase of Domain Rating of

This major improvement in Ubisec’s online presence firmly established them as a dominant IT service provider in their targeted regions of Southern California.

“Partnering with Pronto Marketing for our SEO needs was a game-changer. Their strategic approach not only propelled our website to the top of search results but also significantly enhanced our online authority in the competitive Southern California IT market.”

Edward Sohn
Edward Sohn

Ubisec’s journey with our link building service is a testament to the power of targeted SEO strategies in enhancing online visibility and domain authority. Their success story highlights the importance of a well-crafted digital marketing approach in today’s competitive business landscape.

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